Bedford Academy Prospectus

10 Access All staff at Bedford Academy are ambitious for all students, including those with needs. The extensive, vibrant Access department works tirelessly to meet the needs of a wide range of students. Our ethos values every student for who they are and what they can bring to the school community. Our vision is to create a positive and supportive environment for all students without exception. All students, regardless of their starting point, need to feel valued and included to achieve and thrive. This will mean that, at times, our decisions will be driven by a deep sense of equity and equality. As an inclusive school, we aim to remove barriers to learning and participation, provide an education that is appropriate to students’ needs, whilst promote high standards and the fulfilment of potential for all students. At Bedford Academy, we will: • Build an ongoing, holistic understanding of our students and their needs • Ensure all students have access to high-quality teaching • Complement high-quality teaching with selected small groups and oneto-one interventions • Work effectively with Parents / Carers and external agencies. We do not believe in extended periods of unnecessary separation or isolation. All students need to learn to work cooperatively and corroboratively. All students will be helped to develop independence in terms of learning habits and social skills.This includes preparation for adulthood and career development, where working closely with the Careers team, ensures that the careers programme is accessible and meets the needs of all students. Homework Bedford Academy is fully committed to the setting, completion, tracking and assessment of homework as part of each student’s educational provision. Additional learning, study, research and revision outside of the classroom is an integral part of students’ learning.As well as improving performance in individual subjects, it develops positive routines which students can utilise effectively in their journey through Key Stage 4, Sixth Form and further education as well as in the world of work. Students who take part in additional study support activities outside of their normal learning get better GCSE results than their peers of equal ability who do not participate.These students score an average of 3.5 grades more on their best GCSE results and they gain one more 9-5 pass (Source: National Youth Agency & University of Strathclyde). Homework will be set regularly across all subject areas and allows students to develop skills, consolidate learning and prepare for future learning opportunities. Bedford Academy use Bromcom and Teams to set and track homework across the school. Bedford Academy offers homework support and guidance and students can access further support with home learning by attending the ILC to maximise their progress. Enrichment We believe that it is important for students to make the most of their time at the Academy and we are proud of the varied activities and opportunities available to students during the academic year. All teaching staff contribute to our enrichment programme, resulting in a variety of clubs and extra-curricular activities.We expect students to attend at least one enrichment, although many choose to attend more! Our Enrichment programme covers Sport,Arts, Science and Technology, Careers, Music and Languages to name just a few.