Bedford Academy Prospectus

11 Events and Visits Enriching the lives of our students comes in many forms, not just extra-curricular clubs. On site events, residential, day trips and short visits encourage students to experience different environments, cultures and to meet new people, giving opportunities to increase their curiosity, organisational skills, personal initiative and self-confidence. We offer a wide variety of events and visits to enhance learning, uncover new interests and help prepare students for the next stage of their education or employment. This includes themed weeks such as National Careers week, team building, sports day, productions and concerts.Visiting employers, lecturers and speakers provide course, pastoral and careers related talks. These raise awareness for students beyond that of Academy staff and provide insights into different approaches to learning. Preparation time provides activities focused on students’ skills including: • Literacy • Careers information, advice and guidance • Bullying and pastoral matters Citizenship based activities encourage student participation in events such as Children in Need and Comic Relief, where fundraising develops students’ planning, decision making and organisational skills. Personal and Careers Development (PCD) Personal and Careers Development (PCD) are lessons for life. Every student in the school will follow an individualised programme designed for their year group, taught by their form tutor at the same time every week. Students will be exposed to issues surrounding wellbeing, personal health, social interactions, safety, finance and independent living. The careers element will involve topics such as self development, investigating jobs, the labour market, employability skills, enterprise, post 16 and post 18 choices and career management. Lessons will be delivered by form tutors with input from guest speakers, volunteers from industry and specialist productions.