Bedford Academy Prospectus

13 Academy Standards and Expectations LATENESS The Academy expects all students to arrive punctually aiming for 8.30am as learning commences at 8.40am. Students must arrive to lessons within 3 minutes. Lateness to lessons disrupts the flow of a lesson, the learning of the student and that of other students; punctuality is a life skill and one that is always requested in future employer references. To encourage good attendance, students risk detentions either daily or weekly for single or multiple occurrence of lateness. MOBILE PHONES AND ELECTRONIC DEVICES Mobile phones are part of many students’ lives and at Bedford Academy we recognise that many parents/carers feel their child is safer with the phone on them on the way to and from school. At Bedford Academy, we have implemented an initiative and have banned the use of all mobile phones during school time.To achieve this, every student is provided with a lockable case in which to put the phone at the start of the day.The case with the phone inside is kept in the student’s possession until the end of the day when it is unlocked.This completely eradicates the impact and distraction of social media, allowing the students to fully concentrate during lessons. Bedford Academy will not accept any responsibility for phones or headphones brought into school.This is done at the owner’s risk. SANCTIONS Students collect praise points for going above and beyond in their lessons and around the Academy. Achievement is celebrated in a number of ways throughout the school year. Students who do not follow the rules will receive demerits, next day detentions and may be placed in isolation away from peers. Students can avoid any sanctions by arriving to school and lessons on time, by wearing the correct uniform and by following the school routines and expectations. Parents and carers can support students by ensuring their child has everything they need and by supporting the school and their teachers. For serious breaches of the rules, including persistent breaches of the rules, students may be suspended from school on a fixed term or permanent basis. Bedford Academy uses a simple tiered warning system that encourages positive behaviour and prevents students from making poor choices. ASSESSMENT The key function of assessment at Bedford Academy is to contribute to the educational process which helps our students become better learners.Assessment is the vital tool in the determination of levels and tracking progress of students, as well as promoting learning. We assess our students regularly within the classroom through the use of ‘Journey Questions’ and end of topic tests, as well as through formal exams and pre public exams. We assess students’ learning in order to: • Provide students with constructive feedback • Motivate students • Identify learning strengths and areas for development • Identify progress and intervene to ensure the learning process moves forward • Assist in the evaluation of teaching methods and learning materials • Provide information for other stakeholders (colleagues and parents) • Enable students to form a judgement about the quality of their work • Assist in moderating standards across classes • Promote learning Assessment is carried out for two main reasons: to find out how much a student has achieved and to promote learning and understanding. The recording of such information allows us to monitor the progress of students and inform our planning of future teaching. REPORTS At every assessment point, parents and carers receive a progress report generated from the central database summarising their child’s attainment, target data and attendance.These reports are sent home with students and are also emailed out to all parents and carers who have supplied an email address to the school. The student’s academic tutor is the first point of contact for parents. For all year groups, parents and carers will also have an opportunity to meet directly with their child’s subject teachers once a year to discuss their progress for each subject in detail. ATTENDANCE At Bedford Academy we believe that for our students to gain the greatest benefits from their education, it is vital that they attend regularly. Our students should be on time, every day the Academy opens unless the reason for absence is absolutely unavoidable. It is very important that families recognise their responsibility to ensure their child attends school regularly and on time. 98% attendance is a realistic and achievable target for all students that allows for the occasional emergency or sickness absence.