Bedford Academy Prospectus

14 Anti-Bullying Bedford Academy encourages students to show respect in their relationships with all members of the Academy’s community. The Academy takes a zero-tolerance approach to bullying – this includes all forms of bullying relating to race, religion and culture, homophobic bullying, bullying related to special educational needs and disabilities, sexist and sexual bullying, and the use of cyber technology to bully. We encourage students to: • Say NO to BULLYING • Know and understand what bullying means and the consequences of bullying-type behaviour • Be active not passive – speak out and report incidents • Listen to, support and help bullied students • Take personal responsibility • Take collective responsibility • Develop loyalty to the Academy and students within it. We are affiliated members of the Anti-bullying alliance.We have a member of staff who leads a team of trained students who are our anti-bullying ambassadors.This further promotes the opportunities for students to approach someone regarding any conflict issues and be active in maintaining a respectful and safe environment at Bedford Academy. Our simple sanction model with bullying: STEP ONE STEP TWO STEP THREE Parent Partnership PARENTS MAKE A DIFFERENCE Parents, carers and families are by far the most important influences on children’s lives. We believe that where parents take on a supportive role in their child’s learning both at home and in partnership with the school their children do better and achieve more.These benefits can be long-lasting and extend to better health, relationships and improved employment. We continue to develop an active partnership with our parents including open days where any members of our community are welcome to look around the school.We hold Parent Voice meetings where a senior leader discusses current issues within the school and listens to parent/carer input to help drive our school forward. PARENT VOICE To emphasise and formalise the effectiveness of this partnership we have created the BA Partnership Agreement. This outlines what all staff, students and parents / carers will do to ensure our students have every chance of success at Bedford Academy.This document will be signed by home, school and students and will be issued to all new students when they start at Bedford Academy. The Academy Parent Voice meets once every half term and provides a forum for our parents/carers to come together, share ideas, and put forward their views to the Senior Leadership Team.We want to develop a partnership with yourselves in order to support and promote students’ learning, to raise student achievement and bring about change.To support and promote students’ learning it is important that parents/carers develop a partnership with the school to raise student achievement and bring about generational change.This is your opportunity to receive information about the quality of your child’s education and play a part in improving this. It is also a chance for parents/carers to share their views about the school and education as a whole. FAMILY SUPPORT MANAGER Our Family Support Manager is available throughout the school day to support families with concerns they may have around issues that occur outside of school but may well affect your child at the Academy.They can provide support and information in regards to matters such as housing benefits, employment and parenting. PARENT GOVERNORS Our Parent Governors sit on the Local Advisory Board for the Trust and are representative parents who hold a unique position of having a parental viewpoint of the Academy.They are available to discuss issues raised by parents and are actively involved in the life of the Academy. The conflict is logged and communication to all parties is carried out, ensuring any relevant warning is delivered to instruct students to remain respectful. Restorative justice conversations led by a staff member as mediator aims to resolve conflict between students. Should a student continue to show disrespect in any form of bullying they are isolated and their details are added to our central log which we share with Bedford Borough. Any student who continues with inappropriate behaviours will risk suspension from Bedford Academy.