Bedford Academy Prospectus

19 Student Admissions Bedford Academy will consider all applications for places. Admissions into the Academy are organised in conjunction with Bedford Borough Council. Each year the Council distributes information packs via local Primary and Middle Schools on the admissions process for Secondary Schools. Places need to be applied for and a completed application form needs to be returned to the Council by 31st October 2024. Places will then be allocated and parents will be informed the following spring.We anticipate reaching our full admission number each year therefore you are advised to put Bedford Academy as your first choice if you wish to secure a place for your child. In recent years BA has been significantly oversubscribed, so please check our Admissions Policy to fully understand our specific criteria. ENTRY IN TO OTHER YEARS Contact Bedford Borough Council Admissions Service for an application form.All applications will be considered and if the year group applied for has a place available the Academy may admit the child. Bedford Borough Council School Admissions Service T: 01234 718120 E: [email protected] Policies If you wish to view any Academy policies please follow the link to the policies section on the Bedford Academy website: