What Makes Us Special?
Bedford Academy is a state funded
independent school for students aged
11-18. We use our independence to be
• Students have a 30-hour week.This means
that over a year they have an extra six weeks
of learning compared with most schools.
• We believe in spending extra time on Maths
and English to ensure the highest standards
of literacy and numeracy.
• Lessons are one and a half hours long,
allowing students to become absorbed in
learning rather than wasting time by moving
from class to class.We structure lessons
carefully to make sure that there are a
variety of activities, learning is active and
meets students’ needs.
• Students are encouraged to attend before
and after school enrichment activities,
meaning that the Academy is
open from 7.30am until 5.35pm.
• Excellent food facilities are available,
with a range of tasty and nutritious dishes
on offer, cooked on site by our own staff.
• Our superb IT facilities provide enough
computers for every student to use.
• The Academy is organised into Learning
Villages.Year 7 have their ownVillage and
fromYear 8 students are tutored vertically,
in small groups within their LearningVillage
so that they are mentored, supported
and have opportunities to lead. Students
move between LearningVillages to receive
their specialist teaching and use specialist
• The Academy believes in promoting reading
and the love of books and has an excellent
Independent Learning Centre situated in
the atrium right in the hub of the school.
• Our ‘Access’ centre provides a student
centred approach to additional support.
It acts as an Academy within the Academy
for students that require more intensive
support at any time.
• Our in-house careers team work hard to
ensure students have the right independent
information, advice and guidance to progress
to their next life stage.
• We provide a ‘Stage not Age’ approach
to our curriculum where students are
at a pace appropriate for them rather
than according to their age alone.
Organisation Structure
The Academy organisation structure consists
of 5 LearningVillages based upon the following
combinations of subjects:
• Communications
(English andWorld Languages)
• Maths and Business
(includes Computer Science)
• Humanities andYear 7
• Science and Technology
• Arts and Sport
Year 7 have their own LearningVillage. From
Year 8 each student is assigned to a Learning
Village, which will form their pastoral base
for their time with us. EachVillage has its
own designated wing, with the Science and
TechnologyVillage in its own ‘penthouse style’
accommodation above the centre of the building.
Students are organised in vertical tutor groups
with students from all years.This enables peer
mentoring, easy integration into the Academy
and reduces bullying. Students move between
the LearningVillages for their lessons to ensure
they get the specialist teaching they need.
Pastoral and mentoring support is provided
by the staff in their LearningVillage. If, however,
students require additional support, our Access
department provides SEN support, language
development, behaviour support, counselling
and alternative curriculum provision.
In the Sixth Form, students remain part of
the LearningVillage structure for their pastoral
support needs.As older students, they have
a separate Sixth Form area which is used as
a social space and for independent learning.