Uniform Standards

All students are expected to be in FULL Academy uniform whilst inside the Academy building. This includes correctly worn ties, tucked in shirts, blazers, skirts at knee length and school shoes. Students must also have a plain, dark bag/backpack with them eacy day which is strong enough to carry books; additional bags may be used to carry PE kit or cooking ingredients if required. Inappropriate items of clothing, jewellery and hair accessories will be confiscated. 

In addition:

  • Hair must be in keeping with the smart appearance of our uniform and therefore be of a conventional length and style, and must not be multicoloured or dyed in an unnatural colour.  Hairstyles following a fashion trend which is deemed inappropriate will not be permitted.  
  • Excessive make up and coloured nail varnish are inappropriate for school and not permitted. This includes false eyelashes and acrylic or extended nails.
  • Jewellery may be worn within the following limits and is brought to the Academy at students’ own risk:
  • A watch (not a smartwatch)
  • A pair of plain, round gold or silver coloured studs worn
  • for Health & Safety reasons, no other jewellery worn in body piercings is permitted (e.g. nose studs, tongue studs, ear piercings in ear lobes, eyebrow studs or other body jewellery, even when worn under clothing)
  • Visible tattoos, including henna tattoos are not permitted.
  • Sunglasses are not permitted indoors except with medical certification.
  • Visible tattoos, including henna tattoos, are not permitted.
  • Students are expected to wear plain black school shoes. Trainers, boots or sandals are not permitted. Shoes must not be open-toe, resemble trainers or have logos.
  • Hooded tops, caps and bandanas are not appropriate clothing and must not be brought to the Academy site.
  • Religious headscarves must be black or navy.
  • All clothing must be clearly marked with the student's name.

The only exceptions to the uniform policy are as follows:

  • If the Head Teacher declares that summer uniform may be worn, students may remove blazers. 
  • Students unable to wear uniform for medical reasons must provide a note of explanation to their Head of Year; a uniform pass for the appropriate period of time will usually be issued in these circumstances. 

When a student does not arrive to school in Bedford Academy uniform, they will be expected to wear loan uniform and return this at the end of the school day. If the loan uniform is not returned, parents will be invoiced. 

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t: 01234 301500 e: [email protected]
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