On Thursday 22nd April, Priti Patel the Home Secretary, along with Festus Akinbusoye the Conservative Police and Crime Commissioner candidate for Bedfordshire, visited local Secondary School Bedford Academy to meet some of the staff and students and discuss the impact of Covid-19 and the recovery plans to support students with their education.
Chris Deller (Headteacher), Pete Roberts (Deputy Head) and David Morris (CEO of Heart Academies Trust) welcomed the visitors, and were keen to share the school’s vision and values. Mr Deller explained how ‘The BA Way’ is an integral part of the daily life at Bedford Academy and provides all stakeholders with clarity around the school’s expectations from everyone whilst they are in the community. Mr Morris highlighted some of the fantastic community spirit and togetherness that school staff across the HEART Academies Trust had shown to support local families and children over the past year.
Mr Deller discussed the value Bedford Academy places on the importance of relationships at all levels, and shared some strategies that has led to a significant reduction in exclusion rates over the past two years. Being a community minded school, Bedford Academy actively encourages students to be responsible, thoughtful and independent whilst taking ownership of their own actions and decisions.
Both guests were introduced to the school’s Student Voice, made up of a range of students from all year groups who were able to discuss their return to school experiences. Students shared the positives and negatives through this challenging period and highlighted the support they were given by the school, to ensure their learning and wellbeing remained a focus throughout the pandemic. Both Priti Patel and Festus Akinbusoye shared their interest in the school’s recovery agenda and were keen to understand how Bedford Academy has supported students in overcoming the unique challenges they have faced as young people in society.
Students were interested to hear of the visitors own professional experiences and how important it is to be focused and determined in order to succeed. The Home Secretary stated ‘…its hard work, nothing in life is easy and it’s all about being focused, determined and wanting to do a good job for the people and communities you serve’.
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