Community Minded Through Drive and Aspiration
Community Minded
The passion to get better and better at something that matters. |
The will to do what we do in the service of something bigger than ourselves. |
The commitment to improve life chances. |
These motivators underpin everything we do as a Trust. Through applying them on a daily basis Bedford Academy strives to:
- Have a relentless focus on good relationships and high standards for all
- Create engaged learners by ensuring all children and young people receive high quality teaching every lesson, every day through the delivery of our knowledge rich curriculum
- Value and celebrate the success of ourselves and others, encouraging young people to learn from their mistakes and take ownership of their own decision making
- Remain focused on providing the best possible education for the community we serve.
In line with the Trust's motivators we expect every individual member of the Bedford Academy community to be:
- Community minded: a responsible, thoughtful and independent member of society that takes ownership of their own actions and decisions
- Driven: a confident individual that achieves their full potential and works towards success without excuses or compromise
- Aspirational: an individual with have high expectations of themselves and others, always aiming to improve, succeed and excel
There are 6 key themes that make up our code of conduct or shared values for the school. We call this 'The BA Way'. This provides all stakeholders with clarity and purpose about what we expect from everyone whilst they are in our school community.
The 6 key themes are:
- Attendance
- Lessons
- Conduct
- Uniform
- Rights and Responsibilities
- Environment
Click here to see more information about 'The BA Way'.
BA Core Offer