Young Carers

At Bedford Academy, we are aware that some of our students are Young Carers. A Young Carer is someone who is caring unpaid for a family member who is ill, disabled, or has mental health or addiction problems. They often take on practical and/or emotional caring responsibilities that normally would be expected of an adult.

Our Young Carers can be identified by their shiny turquoise badges which some choose to wear on their blazers. At Bedford Academy we aim to endorse a culture where Young Carers feel proud of the brilliant role they play within our community.

Ms Williamson supports all of our Young Carers and takes the lead overseeing them. The Academy also works very closely with Young Carers Bedfordshire -

Bedford Academy has achieved the Bronze Young Carers in Schools Award which has helped us ensure we are identifying and offering the support our Young Carers need. We provide:

  • One to one mentoring led by Ms Williamson.
  • Drop in Young Carers Breakfast on Tuesday mornings in the atrium
  • Behaviour and attendance support from Ms Williamson.

If you think your child is a Young Carer and would like any more information or support around these issues please contact Ms Williamson either via email [email protected] or call us on 01234 301 500 ext 129 or 01234 414250.

We respect the privacy of our Young Carers so will only share information about them with people that need to know so they can offer help.

For more information about support for Young Carers at Central Bedfordshire Council, click here.

Mile Road Bedford MK42 9TR
t: 01234 301500 e: [email protected]
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